Results for 'Elia Verónica Benavides Pando'

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  1.  40
    Home Learning Environments of Children in Mexico in Relation to Socioeconomic Status.María Inés Susperreguy, Carolina Jiménez Lira, Chang Xu, Jo-Anne LeFevre, Humberto Blanco Vega, Elia Verónica Benavides Pando & Martha Ornelas Contreras - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:626159.
    We explored the home learning environments of 173 Mexican preschool children (aged 3–6 years) in relation to their numeracy performance. Parents indicated the frequency of their formal home numeracy and literacy activities, and their academic expectations for children’s numeracy and literacy performance. Children completed measures of early numeracy skills. Mexican parent–child dyads from families with either high- or low-socioeconomic status (SES) participated. Low-SES parents (n= 99) reported higher numeracy expectations than high-SES parents (n= 74), but similar frequency of home numeracy (...)
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    La pandemia como elemento transformador de la Vida individual Y social contemporánea en byung chul-Han.Verónica Benavides González - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 20 (2):09-22.
    El presente artículo pretende analizar los efectos transformadores que la pandemia por Covid-19 ha obrado en nuestras existencias individuales y en nuestra convivencia social cotidiana desde la propuesta analítica del filósofo surcoreano Byung Chul-Han. Dicha transformación es de tal profundidad que, para nuestro autor, viene a exacerbar los males de la sociedad contemporánea, como el agotamiento y el cansancio por autoexplotación y permanente optimización de sí mismo propiciados por el neoliberalismo globalizado y omnipresente en Occidente. Desde esta constatación analizaremos en (...)
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  3. Etica, política y ecología: la propuesta de Otfried Höffe.Verónica Benavides - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 10 (3):21-34.
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    (2 other versions)Presentación.Verónica Benavides - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 8 (2):5.
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    Creativity and (global, ethnic, host) cultural identifications: An examination in migrant and host national samples.Elia Soler Pastor, Magdalena Bobowik & Verónica Benet Martínez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    We live in an era of unprecedented interconnectivity and challenges that require global mindsets and creative approaches. While research on global identification has increased in recent years, the question of whether it can facilitate creativity remains largely unexplored. Moreover, despite the evidence linking multicultural experiences and global identities, migrant populations have been overly underrepresented in this area of research. We examine the association between global culture identification and creativity in the Alternate Uses Test, across two different samples residing in Spain: (...)
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    La inasible experiencia de la modernidad: Ensayo e ironía de F. Schlegel a G. Lukács.María Verónica Galfione - 2009 - Tópicos 17:0-0.
    In the present work, our aim is to emphasize the tensions between the concepts of irony and essay which Lukács uses in The soul and the Forms, and the way in which such concepts were used by Friedrich Schlegel at the end of the 18th. century. With that purpose, we will utilize the categories of "modern episteme" and "episteme of the forms" as they are formulated by Elías Palti. We believe that these categories will allow us to detect certain breaks (...)
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    Iglesia, tradición y control de natalidad.Manuel Pérez de Benavides - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 4:183-189.
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  8. Simpatías filosóficas de William James.Carlos Benavides - 1960 - Pensamiento 16 (63):317-330.
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    The Link Between Numerical Exposure at Home and Children's Exact Numerical Skills.Benavides-Varela Silvia, Butterworth Brian, Burgio Francesca, Arcara Giorgio, Lucangeli Daniela & Semenza Carlo - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  10. Inclosure and Intolerance.Sergi Oms & Elia Zardini - 2021 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 62 (2):201-220.
    Graham Priest has influentially claimed that the Sorites paradox is an Inclosure paradox, concluding that his favored dialetheic solution to the Inclosure paradoxes should be extended to the Sorites paradox. We argue that, given Priest’s dialetheic solution to the Sorites paradox, the argument purporting to show that that paradox is an Inclosure is unsound, and discuss some issues surrounding this fact.
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  11. Knowing how to establish intellectualism.Daniele Sgaravatti & Elia Zardini - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (1):217-261.
    In this paper, we present a number of problems for intellectualism about knowledge-how, and in particular for the version of the view developed by Stanley & Williamson 2001. Their argument draws on the alleged uniformity of 'know how'-and 'know wh'-ascriptions. We offer a series of considerations to the effect that this assimilation is problematic. Firstly, in contrast to 'know wh'-ascriptions, 'know how'-ascriptions with known negative answers are false. Secondly, knowledge-how obeys closure principles whose counterparts fail for knowledge-wh and knowledge-that. Thirdly, (...)
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    The Sorites Paradox.Sergi Oms & Elia Zardini (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    For centuries, the Sorites Paradox has spurred philosophers to think and argue about the problem of vagueness. This volume offers a guide to the paradox which is both an accessible survey and an exposition of the state of the art, with a chapter-by-chapter presentation of all of the main solutions to the paradox and of all its main areas of influence. Each chapter offers a gentle introduction to its topic, gradually building up to a final discussion of some open problems. (...)
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    The standard ontological framework of cognitive neuroscience: Some lessons from Broca’s area.Marco Viola & Elia Zanin - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (7):945-969.
    Since cognitive neuroscience aims at giving an integrated account of mind and brain, its ontology should include both neural and cognitive entities and specify their relations. According to what we call the standard ontological framework of cognitive neuroscience, the aim of cognitive neuroscience should be to establish one-to-one mappings between neural and cognitive entities. Where such entities do not yet closely align, this can be achieved by reforming the cognitive ontology, the neural ontology, or both. In order to assess the (...)
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    Technologically mediated encounters with ‘nature’.Patricia D. Reyes Benavides - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-11.
    Despite well-founded critiques on the concept of nature and even claims that the concept is decidedly obsolete, evidence would suggest that nature continues to play a pivotal role in orienting people towards environmental practices and advocacy. Given nature’s unyielding relevance, this paper takes inspiration from Sally Haslanger’s project of conceptual amelioration to examine how meanings ascribed to nature can lead to the actualization of desired sociomaterial realities. By building on posthumanist political ecology and Michel Callon’s notion of performation, I illustrate (...)
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    About Animalistic and PreColombian Bands in the Great Nicoya.Henry O. Vargas Benavides - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (27):9-27.
    En el actual documento se exponen dos tipos de cerámica policroma precolombina de la Región Gran Nicoya (entre Nicaragua y CostaRica); son jarrones tipo Jicote y Pataky policromo del periodo 1200 d.C. a 1550 d.C., con el fin de analizar las representaciones de animales y sus bandas complejas que generalmente aparecen representadas en la boca superior de las vasijas. Para realizar la base de datos se registraron los datos y las fotografías de vasijas en el Museo Nacional de Costa Rica. (...)
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    Can Law Account for the Past? Law and the Road from Oblivion to Memory: Review of the Book: Belavusau, Uladzislau and Gliszczynska-Grabias, Aleksandra, Eds., 2017, Law and Memory: Towards Legal Governance of History, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Farid Samir Benavides-Vanegas - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (4):1211-1213.
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  17. Competitividad regional.Marisela Benavides - 2000 - In Planteamientos y debate: globalización, descentralización y desarrollo local. Lima: Escuela para el Desarrollo.
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  18. El despliegue de la libertad en el pensamiento moderno: del cogito cartesiano al trascendental kantiano en la interpretación de Cornelio Fabro.Cristian Eduardo Benavides - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 44 (132):105-126.
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    El obrar de la creatura espiritual desde el punto de vista de la participación dinámica.Cristian Eduardo Benavides - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):139.
    Se examinan algunas cuestiones relacionadas con el devenir causal de los seres crea-dos –en particular, los seres espirituales–, sobre la base de la noción metafísica de participación desarrollada por Tomás de Aquino. La aproximación parte de las exégesis y comentarios de Cornelio Fabro a las doctrinas tomistas.
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    La devoción de la familia real española a San Fernando en la época moderna.Jesús Porres Benavides - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (2):289-326.
    La familia real española ha mantenido una gran devoción hacia su antepasado Fernando III de Castilla prácticamente desde su muerte. Adicionalmente, la monarquía tenía gran interés en tener algún monarca canonizado entre sus miembros al igual que otras casas europeas. En este artículo analizamos especialmente a la casa de Austria y posteriormente el inicio de la dinastía borbónica. Respecto a los Habsburgo, hubo reyes muy implicados en el proceso de canonización como fueron Felipe IV y su hijo Carlos II. También (...)
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    (1 other version)La Fenomenología como ciencia originaria a propósito de las lecciones de 1919 de Martin Heidegger.Héctor Pinto Benavides - 2013 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 2:65.
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    How Game Location Affects Soccer Performance: T-Pattern Analysis of Attack Actions in Home and Away Matches.Barbara Diana, Valentino Zurloni, Massimiliano Elia, Cesare M. Cavalera, Gudberg K. Jonsson & M. Teresa Anguera - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  23.  12
    The A Priori - Its Significance, Sources, and Extent.Dylan Dodd & Elia Zardini (eds.) - 2025 - Oxford University Press.
    Traditionally, a justification for believing something is a priori is if, and only if, it is independent of experience. Throughout Western philosophy since Plato, some of the most divisive questions have been whether a priori justification exists, how it is possible, and how far it reaches. This book is structured around these three main questions. The first question has recently been modulated as to concern the significance of a priori justification: given the unclarities and presuppositions attached to standard explications of (...)
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  24. Scepticism and Perceptual Justification.Dylan Dodd & Elia Zardini (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    How can experience provide knowledge, or even justified belief, about the objective world outside our minds? This volume presents original essays by prominent contemporary epistemologists, who show how philosophical progress on foundational issues can improve our understanding of, and suggest a solution to, this famous sceptical question.
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  25. Vagueness and Practical Interests.Paula Sweeney & Elia Zardini - 2011 - In Paul Égré & Nathan Klinedinst, Vagueness and language use. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this paper we focus mainly on a kind of contextualism theory of vagueness according to which the context dependence has its source in the variation of our practical interests. We largely focus on Fara's version of the theory but our observations work at different levels of generality, some relevant only to the specifics of Fara's theory others relevant to all contextualist theories of a certain type.
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    Numerical Activities and Information Learned at Home Link to the Exact Numeracy Skills in 5–6 Years-Old Children.Silvia Benavides-Varela, Brian Butterworth, Francesca Burgio, Giorgio Arcara, Daniela Lucangeli & Carlo Semenza - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  27.  53
    T-Pattern Analysis and Cognitive Load Manipulation to Detect Low-Stake Lies: An Exploratory Study.Barbara Diana, Valentino Zurloni, Massimiliano Elia, Cesare Cavalera, Olivia Realdon, Gudberg K. Jonsson & M. Teresa Anguera - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:254472.
    Deception has evolved to become a fundamental aspect of human interaction. Despite the prolonged efforts in many disciplines, there has been no definite finding of a univocally “deceptive” signal. This work proposes an approach to deception detection combining cognitive load manipulation and T-pattern methodology with the objective of: (a) testing the efficacy of dual task-procedure in enhancing differences between truth tellers and liars in a low-stakes situation; (b) exploring the efficacy of T-pattern methodology in discriminating truthful reports from deceitful ones (...)
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    Unnatural Pumas and Domestic Foxes: Relations with Protected Predators and Conspiratorial Rumours in Southern Chile.Pelayo Benavides & Julián Caviedes - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (2):131-152.
    Human–wildlife conflicts involving protected predators are a major social and environmental problem worldwide. A critical aspect in such conflicts is the role of state institutions regarding predators’ conservation, and how this is construed by affected local populations. These interpretations are frequently embodied in conspiratorial rumours, sharing some common traits related to wild and domestic categories, spatial ordering and power relations. In southern Chile, a one-year, multi-sited ethnographic study of human–animal relations in and adjacent to protected areas was undertaken, foregrounding conspiratorial (...)
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    Effect of academic degree and discipline on religious beliefs and evolution acceptance: Survey at a chilean university.César Marín & Guillermo DʾElía - 2016 - Zygon 51 (2):277-292.
    Affiliation with a scientific area or degree program could affect one´s religious beliefs and acceptance of evolution; however, this issue has been poorly studied. Moreover, little information is available regarding Chilean university scientists’ views on religion and evolution. This study aims to provide the first documentation of the opinion of scientists at a Chilean University with regard to religion and evolution. This was done by conducting a personal survey of first and last year undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. We (...)
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    Galileo in China: Relations through the Roman College between Galileo and the Jesuit Scientist-Missionaries.Boleslaw Szczesniak, Pasquale D'Elia, Rufus Suter & Matthew Sciascia - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):126.
  31.  24
    Small-range numerical representations of linguistic sounds in 9- to 10-month-old infants.Silvia Benavides-Varela & Natalia Reoyo-Serrano - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104637.
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    Al margen de filósofos y filosofías.Carlos Benavides - 1989 - Santiago, Rep. Dom.: Departamento de Publicaciones, Pontifícia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra.
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    De la ameba al monstruo propicio: raíces naturalistas del pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset.Manuel Benavides Lucas - 1988 - Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
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  34. Ensayos contemporáneos.Augusto Benavides - 1939 - Los Angeles, Calif.: ["Warner printing company,".
    La crisis de la fé.--Teoría de la expansión.--Nuestra América.--Dinámica numinal.--La inmortalidad.
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  35. La música y la narrativa como estrategias en el aula para el desarrollo de habilidades emocionales y sociales entre pares adolescentes.Lorena Reyes Benavides & Lizeth Bautista González - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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    Vicky, Cristina and Social Exclusion in Barcelona: A Tale of Two Cities.Farid Samir Benavides-Vanegas - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (3):579-595.
    Barcelona has become one of the most touristic cities in the world, with more than 18 million visitors per year, coming to a city with only 1.7 million inhabitants. The model of tourism is depredatory, destroying old neighborhoods and pushing Catalans out of the city. At the same time, people from the Global South come to the city, but in more precarious conditions. They find a city that does not welcome them and that puts them in the worst conditions. I (...)
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    A Lighting System Model for Maximum Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings.Chiara Boccaletti, Stefano Elia & Ezio Santini - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 80--90.
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  38. La Llorona Considers the State of Tortillas.Norma Elia Cantú - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):129-130.
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    Thermal induced changes of lead zirconium titanate films and their consequences for liquid crystal devices applications.Marco Castriota, Stefano D’Elia, Salvatore Marino, Enzo Cazzanelli, Nicola Scaramuzza, Carlo Versace & Roberto Bartolino - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (16):2223-2233.
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    Adolescents’ fragility and antisocial behavior: conceptual categories and educational practices.Fabrizio Chello, Rossana D'Elia, Daniela Manno & Pascal Perillo - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (60):45-62.
    The paper presents and discusses the processes and the results of a Systematic Review of the scientific literature conducted with the aim to become aware of how the antisocial behaviour of adolescents are understood and educationally managed. The results show how the phenomenon is understood mainly through an explanatory and experimental epistemological and methodological approach. Such approach aims at identifying several risks and protection factors that determine/influence AB as well as at defining indications on the practices to be implemented for (...)
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  41.  14
    Child-Rearing in African Christian Marriages: A Case of Isongole Ward, Ileje District, Songwe Region in Tanzania.Nelly Cheyo & Elia Shabani Mligo - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (5):19-28.
    The greatest mandate which God entrusted to human beings since creation is keeping and sustaining the creation. Human beings are responsible towards making the creation glorify God the creator. Another important task is to bring forth other human beings—children—who will also become responsible towards creation in their adulthood. It means that the responsibility of humanity towards creation is continuous. Children are gifts from God through marriages and have to be reared to adulthood in order for them to become fully responsible (...)
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  42. La didáctica de la filosofía.Bianchi de Zizzias & A. Elia - 1982 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Docencia-Proyecto CINAE.
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  43. Beyond Sense? New Essays on the Significance, Grounds, and Extent of the A Priori.Dylan Dodd & Elia Zardini (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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    Conception du corpus et méthodologie d’analyse : Pour un renouvellement de l’analyse des discours institutionnels et politiques.Julien Longhi & Georges-Elia Sarfati - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (223):87-110.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Nietzsche and the problem of democracy.Yervant Elia Melekian - 1932 - [Chicago,:
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    Please Watch U R You Head.Idit Elia Nathan - 2014 - Philosophy of Photography 5 (1):35-45.
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    Commentary: Top-down and bottom-up modulation of pain-induced oscillations.Valentina Nicolardi & Elia Valentini - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  48. El discurso popular sobre la obesidad: análisis de contenido de una discusión virtual.Baltasar Fernández Ramírez, Elia Esquirol Arias, Enrique Baleriola Escudero & Cristina Rubio Jiménez - 2012 - Aposta 52:4-40.
    La discusión sobre el �orgullo gordo� y la supuesta pandemia de la obesidad han encontrado un espacio político y comercial receptivo en nuestras sociedades occidentales, y poco a poco amenaza con extenderse por todo el mundo. Siguiendo con anteriores trabajos, interpretamos y comentamos aquí los envíos remitidos por un grupo de lectores en respuesta a un artículo polémico publicado en las páginas de un periódico digital de difusión nacional. Más que intentar descifrar las supuestas motivaciones o intenciones de los lectores, (...)
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    De Husserl a Lévinas: un autre discours sur l'Europe et la philosophie de l'histoire.Georges Elia Sarfati - 1994 - Idee 25:69-90.
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    Six leçons sur le sens commun: esquisse d'une théorie du discours.Georges Elia Sarfati - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Quel statut sémio-linguistique conférer à une réalité admise comme un allant de sol? Plusieurs disciplines sont concernées par cette recherche. Au premier chef, les sciences du langage, à partir de leurs différentes théorisations : l'herméneutique et la sémantique des textes, la linguistique textuelle, l'analyse du discours, les pragmatiques, la sémiotique narrative, la socio-sémiotique, ainsi que l'ensemble des disciplines qui rencontrent la problématique discursive du sens commun, comme un niveau d'analyse le plus souvent sous-estimé : l'histoire, la sociologie - fonctionnelle ou (...)
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